
[personal website of David Lu!!]



[personal website of David Lu!!]

This is David Lu’s personal website. David Vincent Lu. David Lu with two exclamation points. David V. Lu!! Or, just David. Probably. You can never be too sure on the internet.

Information about David’s professional career as a roboticist can be found at

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The Glitz! The Glamour! The Oscars!

Once again, I must grapple with my addiction to organizing data and making pipelines to organize data. This time, my sights are set on The Oscars. Now generally, I am anti-award show. They never give awards to who I think should get them or to the three things that I’ve seen in whatever year. Very occasionally I’ll have a hot take (like how they definitely should give John Williams another Oscar this year) but honestly, it’s been years since I’ve watched a ceremony.